Sunday, 12 June 2011

Hum Tv Presents Akabari Asghari

A story of Two Brothers
Akbari Asghari is a story of two brothers, Hatim and Luqman, and their families. Both brothers live along with their families in two distant corners of the world. Hatim lives in the US with his daughters, whereas Luqman lives with his sons in a village of the Punjab. The brothers decide to marry their children to one another. The result is four different personalities, with opposing habits and natures -Akbari and Asgari, Akbar and Asgar - being bound in a nuptial knot; their differences in characteristics make for interesting drama.Watch drama serial ‘Akbari Asghari’ to get a taste of different cultures. Every Saturday on HumTv.
SOME Fun Pictures at the Set of Akbari Asgari


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